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Do I need a membership?

No! We no longer have personal memberships, so we encourage you to just come along and bring a friend!

What is the Community Page and who is it for?

Our Community Page is a place for young people in Hawke’s Bay to promote their business - a directory of young people running awesome businesses in the Bay! It’s open to anyone who wants to promote their work - whether you’re a builder, accountant or graphic designer. Find out more and sign up here.

What if I don’t know anyone else who attends events?

We’ll have committee members at every event - they will make you feel welcome and introduce you to new people, so next time you know someone else!

How can I get involved with HBYP?

Come along to our regular networking drinks or other events, promote your work through our Community page and keep in touch with us via Facebook and Email!

What kind of events do you hold?

We try and have a ball every few years, a quiz night, monthly drinks, guest speaker events, and more… we’re open to ideas - If you have one you think would be cool, just let us know!

What if I can’t attend any of the events or drinks?

Please let us know! At the start of every year we will do a survey, asking for your feedback. We encourage you get in touch with us!

What does it mean to be a young professional?

A ‘Professional’ is anyone who is employed! Hawke’s Bay has such a diverse, vibrant range of industries and we want our young professional group to reflect that. Everyone is welcome, no matter your profession!

Does it cost to attend your events?

There is no charge for attending our monthly drinks. For some events (speaker nights, quiz nights etc.) there will be a small charge to cover our costs.

Any more questions?

Flick us an email at


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